
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

DragonBall Online Patch 1.0.15 Released

The second large patch to date was released today: patch version 1.0.15. As well as changes to increase class balance, this patch introduces two new non-combat activities and a new way to collect Dragonballs through PvP.
Dragonball Scramble:
A PvP mini-game in which large groups of players battle in random parts of the world over the Dragonballs. The scramble is only available to players level 45+ and only on specified channels. Entry into the scramble is voluntary and participating players are identified by a light underneith their feet. Unlike the Dragonballs that you can obtain over the weekend, there is only 1 set available for each scramble and they can be used to wish for level 55 items.
The Auction House:
Located in the southeast corner of West City and offers pretty much what you’d expect from an auction house system.
Mascot System:
More commonly known as pets in other MMOs, these mascots can be purchased from Mascot Capsule Machines located in all 3 of the starting zones as well as West City. In addition to being totally kawaii, the mascots may also offer a few special functions (although all that’s available right now is the ability to disallow people from seeing your equipment). Only the following 12 mascots are currently obtainable:
Release Mascots
Release Mascots
But more have been found in the game’s files;
Upcoming Mascots
Upcoming Mascots

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